Criminal Defense
Track charges, witness information, priors and so much more with Prevail’s Criminal Defense layout. Whether your client is hiring you for a first offense, or they use your services multiple times, Prevail’s Evidence tab will help you to track information and evidence not only for the current matter, but for any others you’ve tracked. Prevail makes it easy to maintain detailed information, and as you know, detail is a key factor in your client’s defense, and in the efficiency of your practice.
Seamlessly collect and categorize evidence by attaching it to the relevant contacts or cases. Easily track associated costs and damages while maintaining a well-organized repository of vital information.
Process Builder
Prevail’s workflow tool, the Process Builder, makes it easy to build a step-by-step road map of any process, whether internal or court rules based
Matter Management
Think of Prevail’s Matter tab as the “who, what, when, where, and why” of the system. This tab provides the user with a place to see all of the details of the matter and all related parties on one well-organized page.